Tired of the same old anti-aging song and dance?

Ready to blaze your unique and authentic path toward feeling good without worrying about “being good?!”

If you are frustrated with all the diet and wellness rules that grow louder when you are in midlife and beyond, I see you!

What if you could make choices about nourishing yourself with less worry, guilt, and shame?  What if you could feel a sense of confidence and trust in your body as you age?  What if you realize that your most important goal is to feel vital enough for your adventures in this critical chapter of your life?

I’ve created a process for this path to body respect and freedom from the anti-aging diet and wellness culture noise.  This is a sneak peek into the starting place for this process.  I can’t wait to share it with you!

I’ve been helping women stand in their confidence and ease as they divest from dieting/wellness for over 35 years.  As a woman in my 60s, I can relate to your health anxieties and the fear of losing relevance.  These uncomfortable thoughts and feelings make us especially vulnerable to the seduction of the anti-aging wellness industrial complex.  

As I age, I’ve committed a great deal of time and energy researching wise eating and movement choices to maintain my mind, body, and spiritual vitality.  I want to share what I have discovered with you WITHOUT the manipulation, rigidity, and fear-mongering of diet and wellness culture.

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When you sign up, you’ll also hear from me every other week as I share new discoveries and insights to support Vital Aging with Body Liberation.

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